Toddler House
The Toddler House refers to our well loved little blue house directly adjacent to the preschool. It has two distinct classrooms that serve ages 16 months until they transition to the preschool. If a child’s name comes up on the waitlist and they are between 16 months old and 2 years old that coming fall, they start in Toddler 1, if they are over 2 they start in Toddler 2. The Toddler House environment is sensitive to supporting the transition from home to school and is known for its nurturing, loving, experienced staff that provides hands-on activities to focus on emerging language skills, separation, trust, self-help, and motor skills. Children begin their social and educational journey here in a safe, child-centered space created to resemble the home environment.
16 months -3 years
Children move about the room freely, from one activity to another, sometimes alone, sometimes in small groups, doing, experiencing, and learning independently, or from each other. Often there is a child or small group interacting with a teacher, while another faculty member may be present quietly observing and taking notes. The adults act as guides and observers rather than being the center of all classroom activity. In order to develop a strong sense of personal values, as well as respect for others, our classrooms are noncompetitive. Children of mixed ages work and play together – older children teach younger ones, allowing each child to advance at his or her own pace. As a result, each child feels the joy that comes naturally from mastering skills without being compared to others. Diversity and the celebration of community are embedded in our self-directed curriculum. Our preschool classrooms include practical life, sensorial, math, and language areas, as well as areas devoted to art, science and geography.
We ask that children be toilet-trained for the preschool program (exceptions can be made for special needs children).
3 years - 6 years
The third year or “leadership year” or “kindergarten” year refers to the final year of the Montessori three-year-cycle in our preschool classrooms. Kinders continue in their morning classroom and serve as leaders and teaching assistants during that time. Then, between 12:30 and 2:00 all the Kinder students in the school come together and dive deeper into the Montessori academic materials as well as begin to work on their place within the larger context of community. Kinders work hard on reading, mathematics, geography etc, with their Montessori teachers. They also lead community service projects and have special responsibilities around the school, for example they have organize community food drives, take out the compost, and may help younger students zip their coats to go outside. Academics, confidence, and empowerment come together and synthesize during the Montessori Kindergarten year.
5 years - 6 years

Other Fees
A one-time application fee of $100 is required for each new child and is due when the application for admission is submitted.
Please know that we waive the application fee with any sort of proof of financial or tuition assistance.
DEPOSIT ($500)
A $500 deposit is required for each child enrolled and is due at the time of acceptance into the program. The deposit is refunded the last month of your tuition agreement with 90 days written notice of termination.
Tuition Discounts:
Families enrolling more than one child in a school year receive a tuition discount of 10% for the child with lower tuition
Woodland participates in state, county, and city tuition assistance programs, and the UW-Madison CCTAP program
Woodland is proud to offer scholarships funded primarily by our Annual Auction. Please look at our Scholarship Page for more information or an application.